Intensive Emotions Education Program

The Emotions Education program is a journey of attention and awareness within oneself in order to build a broader and happier mind.
What we now understand as happiness is based on internal states of deep peace and serenity, even though we relate to loss, loneliness, jealousy, guilt, fear, scarcity, low self-esteem, and countless emotional patterns that make us miserable due to ignorance and unconsciousness. Actually, happiness is aimed at feeling in coherence with life, knowing that we are in our rightful place, that we live aligned with our existential purpose and that life makes sense as it is and happens.
The important thing is not what happens but what we do with what happens.
The Emotions Education Process in 40 days has been born to optimize new capacities in our personality and redirect emotional aspects that are the product of already expired intimate beliefs. It is a process in which each morning and night, following a precise map, the participant “gives away” a personal space to recreate the new
Me, and consequently, life itself in its aspects: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Terapia transpersonal

Anything else about the Program?

The Emotions Education course offers the motivation and method to protect yourself from dependent emotional programming, cope with losses, and become aware of the purpose of life in all areas of life. Throughout the Process, the subject learns to decree aspects of himself that constitute a whole “psychonautical journey” full of experiences of synchrony and not chance.
In reality, The Process is a birth into a new spiral of life in which the participant’s choices become, naturally and effortlessly, goal, action, and achievement.
In reality, during this Process, the student proceeds systematically to develop certain thoughts and feelings that empower him to materialize his own vocation in the world, with its consequent economic, affective and spiritual achievements.


Program price: 1000€

La Fascia

Fascia is the fibrous semi-flexible membrane of connective tissue that unites the distinct components of the human body. Within the fascia, small bags are formed that contain the organs of the human body. Mio means muscle. The Miofascia covers, serves as a support, and separates the muscles of the body. Each muscle fibre is wrapped within Mio-fascia, and furthermore, each muscle is also wrapped in Miofascia. The Miofascial tissue has a dynamic behaviour: under tension it augments its density and relative rigidity, giving the muscle greater structural support. As a result of the augmentation of the density generated by the increase of tension, the body becomes more rigid and less flexible, which in turn produces restriction of movement. Generally, these are the result of misalignments and mechanical-postural or functional imbalances, many of which have emotional roots. Deep Miofascial massage addresses the treatment of chronic pain, and also the treatment of lesser pain caused by this lack of flexibility and movement.

La Fascia

La fascia es la membrana fibrosa semiflexible de tejido conectivo que une las distintas componentes del cuerpo humano. Dentro de la fascia se forman bolsillos que contienen los órganos del cuerpo. Mio significa músculo. La miofascia cubre, sirve de soporte y separa los músculos del cuerpo. Cada fibra muscular está envuelta en miofascia y a su vez cada músculo también está envuelto en miofascia.

El tejido miofascial tiene un comportamiento dinámico: bajo tensión aumenta su densidad y rigidez relativa, dándole al músculo un mayor soporte estructural. Como resultado de este aumento de densidad que se genera al incrementar la tensión bajo la que se encuentra una estructura corporal se puede generar rigidez y falta de flexibilidad que a su vez producen incapacidad de movimiento. Generalmente estas son el resultado de desalineaciones o desequilibrios mecánico-posturales y funcionales, muchas de ellas con raíces emocionales. El Masaje del Tejido Profundo tiene como foco principal el tratamiento tanto del dolor crónico como el agudo causado por esta falta de flexibilidad e incapacidad de movimiento.